Started this week learning about scope of the science, scientific revolution and empiricism. Moreover, learnt about scientific explanation in detail. Finally, leant about logical fallacy.

Under scope of science, learnt about development of modern science, the difference between science and scientific, the difference between epistemology and metaphysics and the difference between scriptive and normative theories. Furthermore, learnt about empiricism under that learnt about empiricist approach, empiricist principles, skepticism, Vienna circle, logical positivism and logical empiricism.

Under scientific explanation, learnt about the difference between explanation and confirmation, different kinds of explanations, difference between why and how questions, different terminologies like explanandum and explanans, difference between deduction and induction, characteristics of scientific explanation, deductive-nomological (D-N) pattern deductive-statistical (D-S) pattern and inductive-statistical (I-S) pattern and the difference between determinism and indeterminism. Moreover, learnt about statistical explanation under which learnt about statistical relevance (S-R) model.

Under logical fallacy, learnt about what good argument is and formal fallacy under that learnt affirming the consequent and denying the antecedent. Then, learnt about informal fallacy under that learnt Ad Hominem fallacy, appeal to popular belief fallacy, appeal to authority fallacy, Straw Man fallacy, Red Herring fallacy, Slippery Slope fallacy, false dilemma fallacy and appeals to hypocrisy fallacy. Furthermore, learnt about fallacies that violate rules of rational argumentation and circular argument.

It can be concluded that I could enrich & expand my knowledge & understanding about scope of science, scientific explanation and logical fallacy during this week which are highly relevant to the study of philosophy of science.
