Started this week learning about gender. Under that, I learnt about gender inequality, masculinity and femininity under conceptualizing gender. Furthermore, learnt about three principles of gender justice and capability approaches under gender justice & capabilities.

Furthermore, learnt about sexism. Under that, learnt about fundamental difference between women and men under gender stereotypes. Then, learnt about modern sexism, neosexism, ambivalent sexism under contemporary sexist beliefs. Moreover, learnt about partner ideals under sexism in romantic relationship. Additionally, learnt about direct consequences of sexism like violence and discrimination, indirect consequences like stereotypes threat, confronting sexism and reducing sexism.

Moreover, leant about racial and ethnic prejudice among children and adolescents. Under that, I learnt about several behavioural theories such as social learning approach, intergroup contact theory, cognitive development approach, social cognitive developmental approaches like social identity development theory, developmental model of subjective group dynamics, social domain model, developmental intergroup theory, social developmental perspective on lay theories. Moreover, learnt about anti-racist education, empathy training under multicultural education.

Finally, learnt about difference between deductive and inductive argument, strength of inductive argument, different patterns of inductive arguments and process of induction under induction logic.


It can be concluded that I could improve my understanding on gender, sexism, racial and ethnic prejudice among children & adolescents and induction logic during this week.
