Started this week learning about the difference between science and the philosophy. I learnt, in fact, that science is based on objective evidences because always it takes solid answer but philosophy is based on subjective evidences because it does not take any solid answer. Furthermore, clarified that philosophy does not follow an exact format like science. In fact, science is deterministic but not philosophy because in philosophy the results are usually taken through the way they are justified.

Learnt the meaning of the philosophy in three different ways like as the word itself, goal & a function. For instance, the meaning of the word ‘Philosophy’ itself refers as love of wisdom.

Furthermore, learnt about main branches of philosophy such as Epistemology that refers to as the study of knowledge, Logic which refers to as the study of reasoning, Ethics that refers to as the study of action, Aesthetics that refers to as the study of art and Metaphysics which refers to as the study of existence & other areas of philosophy like political philosophy, philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, etc…

And also, learnt that philosophical methods like questioning, critical discussion, rational argument & systematic presentation.

Learnt the philosophical schools of thoughts also known as strains in the field of philosophy such as Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism & Existentialism and sub schools of thoughts.

In addition, learnt about the skills someone needs to follow a course of philosophy like analysing statements and arguments, imagining alternatives to familiar views and situations, stating things explicitly, clearly and succinctly & thinking creatively.

Besides, I learnt that philosophy is more practical subject for some university students because in philosophy we critically evaluate the things in order to identify and clarify them as true or false. For that, we have to even use our common sense which is more practical. In fact, clarified that it is better reading philosophy slowly and aggressively within which we can critically fight between what comes our mind and what comes from author that finally leads us to understand philosophy more effectively.

It can be concluded that I could take my first step to study philosophy within this week after following the assigned philosophical documents for this week that are easily clarifying the emergence of philosophy, background of philosophy and the difference between science and philosophy.
